Friday, May 16, 2008

Greetings and Introduction

Hello everyone,

First, thank you for checking out this blog and reading more about the current contract negotiations involving Tufts University janitors and ABM/One Source. Every four years, the agreement between the janitors and the cleaning contractor (ABM/One Source) expires and must be renegotiated. It is only during this time that the workers may hope to improve the critical components of their job such as their wages, benefits, and days off. We have started this blog to help keep those concerned informed about current developments and how one may help the janitors during this pivotal time for them.

As far as the we: My name's Kevin Dillon and the other blogger is Max Goldman. We are two students at Tufts University, at the Undergraduate School of Liberal Arts and Sciences. This past year we served as the officers of a recently-formed student group called the Jumbo Janitor Alliance, which has focused on bringing the Tufts janitors more into the community. For this summer, we are both working on how to ensure that Tufts janitors, hard-working members of the Tufts community, can achieve their contract demands.

Again, we appreciate all of your support and we hope you find this blog both useful and informative.

Kevin Dillon and Max Goldman
Jumbo Janitor Alliance
Tufts University

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